this man that walks alone;
at night all by himself;
looking in windows of shops and bakeries;
just to become sad and moan;
he still works at the age of 85;
with no one to come home to;
so he ventures out night after night;
to make sure he\u2019s still alive;
he walks for miles;
never knowing his destination;
full of hope and embracement;
he engages in passing smiles;
thoughts of romantic dinners;
walks in the park;
to catch a movie or two:
with a loved one he can shimmer;
but as time goes on;
and it becomes more apparent;
this man that walks alone at night;
will never see his fond;
Till it may happen in the after shore;
I pray this man will find;
a piece of understanding, a wealth of happiness;
so he can be alone no more;
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